090147: Obama Declares "No More Profits" for American Companies

January 30, 2009

(Conservative Society for Action) -- It is worse than we thought. Obama's early moves in selecting cabinet members seemed to indicate that he would govern from the middle.


There surely is CHANGE in Washington, and it's a horrendous change for the worse!

In little more than a week:

* Obama has spent $813 Billion of the taxpayer's money on a stimulus bill that even supporters agree "won't help much in the short run". The size of the bailouts now exceeds the cost of both the Iraq and Afghan Wars.

* Obama has declared that "now is NOT the time for American corporations to be making a profit". Obama has determined that "Free Enterprise" is now a dirty concept.

* While Obama has been kicking American business, he and Biden have rolled out the red carpet and officially "Welcomed Back Organized Labor to the White House".

* Obama has stated that the reason Roosevelt's New Deal "stimulus" programs did not work was because Roosevelt "did not spend enough". If Obama would adjust for inflation and the much smaller U.S. population in the 1930s, he'd see that Roosevelt spent six times as much - and it didn't work!

* Obama and Capital Hill leaders have declared that the stimulus package be aimed primarily at "minorities", thus ignoring the needs of 70% of the U.S. Population;

* Obama has repeatedly used his "valuable" time to single out radio talk show hosts and CEOs of corporations for PERSONAL attacks. We were hopeful that Obama would take care of "Presidential" issues and not engage in such petty behavior;

* Obama has welcomed to the White House some of the most radical environmental extremists who are hell-bend on destroying the nation's oil, gas and energy industries. Higher taxes on oil and gas will be used to punish Americans for heating their homes and driving their cars.

* Obama met with Republicans in the name of "bi-partisanship" and let them know that HE won, therefore things will be done HIS way. So much for reaching across the aisle.

* Obama has blasted CEOs for making large bonuses in recent years, but had no problem himself taking millions in donations from lobbyists and extreme left- wing supporters.

Obama apparently has NO CONCEPTION about HOW America became a great country. He has bad-mouthed "hard-work". He has criticized "success". He feels "profits" are bad for business. He feels that Americans actually WANT government to "take care of them".

This will all backfire on Obama as the word slowly sneaks past the liberal press that we have a true socialist in the White House and we have a Congress that's going to back him up.

Let's see how the ALF-CIO designs the "New 21st Century Company" that doesn't need to make a profit. Does the word "commune" ring any bells?

Stay tuned!