090145: Democrats Launch Petition Against Rush Limbaugh

January 27, 2009

(Conservative Society for Action) -- Talk about paranoid behavior! The Liberal Democrats just can't stand the thought that someone would have the audacity to criticize them. Check the following news story regarding Rush Limbaugh's comments that he wants Obama to "fail".

NOTE once again that the FACTS don't matter. Limbaugh said he hopes Obama's "Socialist Policies" fail. He NEVER suggested that he wanted Obama to fail "personally".

What's wrong with some HONEST difference of opinion here in America?

Maybe the Liberals can dish it out but can't take it.

Obama actually urged Republicans to "Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh".

Maybe Obama should show some backbone and remember that this is America and we supposedly built this great nation on a HIGH principal known as "Free Speech".

(CNSNews.com) - The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition for readers to express their outrage at conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh for saying last week that he wanted President Barack Obama to fail.

The petition includes a 19-second sound byte of Limbaugh, saying, "If I wanted Obama to succeed, I'd be happy the Republicans have laid down. I don't want this to work. So I'm thinking of replying to this guy, say 'okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.'"

On Tuesday, in a note at the top of his Web site , Limbaugh responded to the Democrats' petition: "I am greatly puzzled. Why would the Democrats petition against me if I am doing such terrible damage to the GOP? "

Last Friday, Obama advised Republicans to stop listening to Limbaugh if they wanted to get along with Democrats and the administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," Obama said to Republican leaders who met with the president to talk about the stimulus package. On his radio program, Limbaugh noted that just as he wants Obama to fail, Obama wants Limbaugh to fail.

DCCC Executive Director Brian Wolff, blogging on the DCCC Web site, said Limbaugh has given Democrats "a preview of the outrageous Republican attacks that are on the way against President Obama and every Democrat working for change."

According to Wolff, "Limbaugh's cheap shot at President Obama might be the first by the Republican attack machine this year but we know that it won't be the last. We need every grassroots Democrat to show Rush Limbaugh and all of the Republicans what they're up against if they start attacking President Obama and Democrats who are working to end the failed GOP policies of the last eight years.

"Tell Rush what you think of his attacks on President Obama. We'll send him your comments," Wolff wrote. "Creating real change requires every American stand strong against Rush Limbaugh's attacks -- and all of the other partisan attacks from desperate Republicans that are on the way. Let's start right here and now."

As CNSNews.com has reported, some Democrats are talking about reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, a federal regulation that required equal time for the expression of different political views on the public airwaves.

Critics of the move, including many Republicans, say Democrats want to re- impose the Fairness Doctrine to force an end to conservative talk radio.