090105: Obama's Senate Replacement is a Lobbyist that Broke the Rules

January 2, 2009

Roland W. Burris, the former state attorney general picked by Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich to fill the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama, is a registered lobbyist who appears to be out of compliance with federal lobbying laws.

In April, Burris & Lebed Consulting registered with Congress to lobby the federal government on behalf of MicroSun Technologies on defense, manufacturing and science issues -- with Burris listed as one of the three lobbyists.

The required second- and third-quarter reports detailing how much Burris and his two colleagues were paid are not available for examination on Senate and House Web sites. Nor are there campaign contribution reports required twice a year of all lobbyists. Christopher P. Russo, who filed the 2008 registration form, said he does not believe that Burris & Lebed lobbied on behalf of MicroSun Technologies this year and that the lobbying registration may have been intended for work done in 2007.

"I don't think anything was done this year to be honest," said Russo, who said he left Burris' company soon after filing the registration report.

"We received payment in March and April of 2008," said Fred G. Lebed, a partner with Burris' firm who was also listed as lobbying for MicroSun Technologies. "If there's some forms that were needed to be filed and we did not do that, we certainly will address that."

Once a lobbying firm registers, it is required to file quarterly reports, even if it has received no payment, until concluding the paperwork requirement with a termination report. Likewise, registered lobbyists are also required to file semiannual reports of their donations to politicians.

Burris has also been a registered lobbyist on the state level since 2002, according to the Web site of the Illinois Secretary of State. During that time, he and his firm represented approximately two dozen companies and special interest groups including MicroSun Technologies in 2008. Other clients during those years include Commonwealth Edison Co., Edusoft Corp. and Council of Independent Tobacco Manufacturers of America.